
How to install SeaGap

First, you have to install Julia in your PC: The SeaGap can be used by Julia v >= 1.7.

The package of SeaGap is stored on Github: You can install the following procedure after running Julia ($ julia):

julia> ]
(@v1.8) pkg> add

"]" turn on the package mode, and you can install Julia packages. After this procedure, the package of SeaGap is downloaded on your PC (generally, ~/.julia/packages/).

If SeaGap is correctly installed, you can use SeaGap by:

julia> using SeaGap

Some troubles in installing GMT.jl have been reported because of some problems in GMT itself. If so, you should conduct the following command before the installation.

julia> ENV["FORCE_INSTALL_GMT"] = true

If you cannot solve the issue on GMT, a restricted version of SeaGap, named SeaGapR is available. SeaGapR can conduct most of functions in SeaGap except ll2xy.jl.

julia> ]
(@v1.8) pkg> add
julia> using SeaGapR

If you cannot still use SeaGap, you should install the related packages of the third parties:

julia> ]
(@v1.8) pkg> add GMT Distributions Optim PDFmerger Dierckx Plots
julia> include("~/.julia/packages/SeaGapR/(directry name depending on your PC)/src/SeaGapR.jl")

This procedure provide a situation that SeaGap is imported.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Fumiaki Tomita. Last modified: July 03, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.