
Static array positioning with gradients

As discussed in various studies (e.g., Kido (2007), Honsho et al. (2019)), horizontal array displacements has trade-off relationship with horizontal heterogenity of a sound speed structure. Recent GNSS-A studies has considered a horizontally sloping sound speed structure (Yokota et al. (2018), Yasuda et al. (2017), Honsho et al. (2019)). Here, a static array positioning method considering a horizontally sloping sound speed structure (Tomita & Kido, 2022) is simply introduced.

Effect of a horizontally sloping sound speed structure on a travel-time is expressed by two component: shallow and deep gradients (e.g., Yokota et al., 2018).

1M(ξn,k)Tn,kobs=1M(ξn,k)Tcal(pk+δp,u(tn,b0),v0)+C0(tn)+gsuhor(tn)+gdhn,k \frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} T_{n,k}^{\mathrm{obs}}=\frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} {T}^{\mathrm{cal}}\left(\mathbf{p}_k+\color{red}\delta \mathbf{p}\color{black}, \mathbf{u}\left(t_{n},{\bf b}_0\right), v_0\right)+\color{red}C_0\color{black}\left(t_{n}\right) +\color{red}\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{s}}\color{black} \mathbf{u}^{\mathrm{hor}}\left(t_{n}\right)+\color{red}\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{d}}\color{black} \mathbf{h}_{n,k}


hn,k=(tanξn,ksinϕn,k,tanξn,kcosϕn,k) \mathbf{h}_{n,k}=\left(\tan \xi_{n,k} \sin \phi_{n,k}, \tan \xi_{n,k} \cos \phi_{n,k}\right)

gs\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{s}} is the shallow gradient, and gd\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{d}} is the deep gradient; they individually have EW and NS components. ξ\xi is a shot angle, and ϕ\phi is an azimuth. They originally have time flcuatuation, but it is assumed o be constant during a campaign for simplicity. C0C_0 is NTD corresponding to the average sound speed fluctuation. The other terms are same with the previous pages (static array positioning.

As long as using single sea-surface platform, the NTD (C0C_0) and the effect of the shallow gradient (gsuhor(tn)\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{s}}\mathbf{u}^{\mathrm{hor}}\left(t_{n}\right)) are strongly trade-off, This means that the effect of the shallow gradient does not strongly affect horizontal array displacements by the single sea-surface platform case. Considering this, we simultaneously model the NTD and the effect of the shallow gradient by the superposition of the 3d B-spline functions:

< Observation Equation [0] >

1M(ξn,k)Tn,kobs=1M(ξn,k)Tcal(pk+δp,u(tn,b0),v0)+j=1JcjΦj(tn)+gdhn,k \frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} T_{n,k}^{\mathrm{obs}}=\frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} {T}^{\mathrm{cal}}\left(\mathbf{p}_k+\color{red}\delta \mathbf{p}\color{black}, \mathbf{u}\left(t_{n},{\bf b}_0\right), v_0\right)+\sum_{j=1}^{J}\color{red}c_j\color{black}\Phi_j(t_n)+\color{red}\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{d}}\color{black} \mathbf{h}_{n,k}

According to the observation equation [0], we can model the sound speed gradient straucture by estimating EW and NS components of the deep gradient (gd\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{d}}) in addition to the array position and the 3d B-splined NTDs. You can perform this optimization through Gauss-Newton method by static_array_grad().

However, this optimization is quite unstable except acoustic data obtained from spatially well-distributed sea-surface platform (for example, the data of Japan Coast Guard: Watanabe et al., 2020) or obtained at a site with a bunch of seafloor transponders (for example, multi-angled transponders: Tomita et al., 2019).

To stabilize this optimization, Honsho et al. (2019) provided a further constaint: the sound speed gradient uniformly exsits from the sea-surface to a certain depth (gradient depth DD). This assumption menas that the deep gradient has a linear relationship with the shallow gradient, and its linear coeffient is the gradient depth as:

gd=D2gs {\bf g}_{\rm d}=\frac{D}{2}{\bf g}_{\rm s}

Thus, if you somehow obtain the shallow depth, you can estimate the deep gradient by optimizing only the gradient depth:

< Observation Equation [1] >

1M(ξn,k)Tn,kobs=1M(ξn,k)Tcal(pk+δp,u(tn,b0),v0)+j=1JcjΦj(tn)+D2gshn,k \frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} T_{n,k}^{\mathrm{obs}}=\frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} {T}^{\mathrm{cal}}\left(\mathbf{p}_k+\color{red}\delta \mathbf{p}\color{black}, \mathbf{u}\left(t_{n},{\bf b}_0\right), v_0\right)+\sum_{j=1}^{J}\color{red}c_j\color{black}\Phi_j(t_n)+\frac{\color{red}D\color{black}}{2}\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{s}}\mathbf{h}_{n,k}

Meanwhile, because of the trade-off relationship between the temporal fluctuation of NTD and the shallow gradient, it is difficult to grasp the shallow gradient. Separation of them can be roughly conducted by modeling long-term component of the temporal fluctuation of NTD (e.g., Honsho et al., 2019). Here, we model the long-term NTD as the 4th polynomial functions:

< Observation Equation [2] >

1M(ξn,k)Tn,kobs=1M(ξn,k)Tcal(pk+δp,u(tn,b0),v0)+m=04γmtnm+gsuhor(tn)+D2gshn,k \frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} T_{n,k}^{\mathrm{obs}}=\frac{1}{M\left(\xi_{n,k}\right)} {T}^{\mathrm{cal}}\left(\mathbf{p}_k+\delta \mathbf{p}, \mathbf{u}\left(t_{n},{\bf b}_0\right), v_0\right)+ \sum_{m=0}^{4} \color{red}\gamma_{m}\color{black}t^m_n + \color{red}\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{s}}\color{black} \mathbf{u}^{\mathrm{hor}}\left(t_{n}\right) +\frac{D}{2}\color{red}\mathbf{g}_{\mathrm{s}}\color{black}\mathbf{h}_{n,k}

Iterative optimization of the observation equations [1] and [2], note that the red terms are the unknown parameters for each equation, can conduct relatively stabler analysis under the sound speed gradient than the observation equation [0] in Tomita & Kido (2022). Moreover, the gradient depth is limited from the sea-surface (zero) to the seafloor. To flexibly inculude the limitation, we employ a MCMC technique to optimize the observation equations (1) and (2) static_array_mcmcgrad().

To perform static_array_mcmcgrad(), we initially obtain solutions by the static array positioning with horizontally stratified sound speed structure static_array(). Using the solutions of static_array() as the initial values, static_array_mcmcgrad() optimize the observation equations [1] and [2] for odd and even MCMC loops, respectively. Note that we also optimize a scaling factor for each observation equations; the scaling factors express the observational error of each equation and balance the weights of the observation equations (e.g., Tomita et al., 2021).

Assuming that α1\alpha_1 and α2\alpha_2 express the scaling factors for observation equations [1] and [2], respectively, the variances of the observation equations are expressed as (10α1)2\left(10^{\alpha_1}\right)^2 and (10α2)2\left(10^{\alpha_2}\right)^2. Thus, if α1=4.0\alpha_1=-4.0, the variance of the observation equation [1] is expressed as 1.e-8 (i.e., the standard deviation of 1.e-4 [sec]).

The details of this MCMC optimization are shown in Tomita & Kido (2022).

Optionally, SeaGap includes a developing function static_array_mcmcgradc() which add some constraints to static_array_mcmcgrad() to obtain solutions more stably. See Tutorials in detail for this developing function.

CC BY-SA 4.0 Fumiaki Tomita. Last modified: July 03, 2024. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.